domingo, 31 de outubro de 2010


October 2010 Edition


October 2010 Edition Blog Theme

The blog's header image is taken from the Lufthansa website ( and I have it as a tribute to Airbus 380, the largest passenger aircraft in the world.

I remember back in October 2007, on the 13th, when I first saw the Airbus 380. That was on a Sunday. I was reading the newspaper when the A380 article caught my attention: the A380 was in Manila! But was already departing Manila in that afternoon! I thought it was a bit late as my apartment was a 2-hour bus ride to the spotting place. Not to waste time, I asked my nephews to come with me to the airport and spot the Airbus 380. When I saw it, I was jumping on the streets! That was exciting but funny though and maybe now a little bit embarassing. But what can I do? Haha.

Three years have passed. Singapore Airlines, Qantas, Emirates, Lufthansa, and Air France are already flying the A380. There's more to come (and oh, the gorgeous Korean Air A380 is already being painted:

And I haven't flown on one yet. My younger sister did. Talk about harmless humiliation. She flew on Emirates A380 when she went to Dubai from Toronto and back, haha. She said she enjoyed it. Well, my favourite is still the Boeing 777-300ER (no sourgraping here) but somehow the Airbus 380 has grown on me (see?). So as an aviation geek, I have to experience it.

First flight

The 1st of October is a memorable date for me as plane enthusiast. It was on this day in 2001 when I first travelled abroad. It was my first flight as well: a Boeing 747-400 of British Airways en route to London via Hong Kong. Flight number was BA32.

And speaking of British Airways, I'm so happy to know that Captain Peter Burkill, the pilot who saved (together with his co-pilot) flight BA38 that had double engine failure upon landing in London, will be returning back to British Airways! Congratulations!

Turkish Airlines Brasil: Eventos em Outoubro 2010 // Turkish Airlines Brazil: Events in October 2010

ABAV 2010, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil com a equipa da Turkish Airlines no Brasil //ABAV 2010, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, with the Turkish Airlines team in Brazil (fotos: Mercados e Eventos / PanRotas)

O ministro brasileiro de turismo Luís Barreto e Atagün Kutluyüksel, o director-geral da Turkish Airlines no Brasil no balcão de check-in da Turkish Airlines no aeroporto internacional de São Paulo. // The Brazilian minister of Tourism, Luís Barreto, and Atagün Kutluyüksel, the director of Turkish Airlines Brazil, at the check-in counter of Turkish Airlines in São Paulo International Airport. (Fotos : PanRotas)

AIREX 2010 and Turkish Airlines

AIREX 2010 International Civil Aviation and Airports Exhibition kicked off yesterday in Istanbul (Turkey) and it will continue through the 3rd of October 2010.

This is also the most-awaited moment for enthusiasts who are curious how's the cabin interior of the new Turkish Airlines Airbus 330-300 going to look like. Here are some pics and a video:

On Turkish Airlines sponsorship galore, the Euroleague has been relaunched and it's now officially called Turkish Airlines Euroleague:

Turkish Airlines to Sydney via Manila?

According to this article, Turkish Airlines may possibly launch Istanbul-Manila-Sydney by 2012:

Threads for October 2010

I've got heaps of favourite aviation threads, but I want to share four of them:

1. Portuguese Aviation October 2010
2. Turkish Aviation October 2010
3. Brazilian Aviation October 2010
4. Airline Programs

Star Alliance future member

The national carrier of Ethiopian and one of the most respected and profitable airlines in Africa has been formally accepted as a future member of Star Alliance: . It's also awaiting its first brand new Boeing 777-200LR to be delivered in November. It will be the first operator of such aircraft in the African continent. Wanna take a peek?:

The first Boeing 747-800 is taking shape

Gulf Air's Embraer E-Jets 190

I'm glad Gulf Air's increasing its fleet of E-Jets. The E-Jets in Gulf Air's colour scheme are soe of the best, in my opinion. One of these E-Jets will be used for flights to Yemen. Just look at their picture on their delivery flight to Bahrain from Brazil:

Lusofonia Routes

I welcome Luxair as one of the members of the Lusofonia routes group (airlines that fly to at least two Lusophone countries). It already flies to Porto in Portugal and starting December 2010, it will launch a once a week flight to Sal and Boa Vista in Cape Verde (a Portuguese-speaking country in the Atlantic).

In addition to this, LAM Mozambique will resume its Maputo-Lisbon flights starting March 2011 while Delta Air Lines will fly from Atlanta to Luanda via Dakar.

For more details, see "What's on in LIS" and "What's on in LAD" sections of this blog.

What's On in GRU

My aviation blog dedicated to São Paulo-GRU Airport is updated everyday with news about what's happening with the airline industry in São Paulo. The featured airline company is Turkish Airlines.

Japan Airlines has just suspended its Tokyo-New York City-São Paulo service. Effective 1st of October 2010. It's sad. But it's OK because...

It's confirmed! Singapore Airlines will start flying to São Paulo-GRU three times a week. The route will be Singapore-Barcelona-São Paulo. It will start on the 27th of March 2011.

Latest is that Royal Jordanian Airlines may launch Amman-São Paulo direct flights.


October is the birthday month of one of my good friends in Brazil. Alex, feliz aniversário! Happy birthday and more to come!



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