quinta-feira, 30 de setembro de 2010


September 2010 Edition


September 2010 Edition Blog Theme

The theme of my blog for September 2010 is: "The Turks Are Flying" taken from www.thy.com. It's made especially for the 2010 FIBA World Basketball Championships recently held in Istanbul, Turkey. USA and Turkey made it to the finals but USA won. Turkish Airlines was a sponsor of the event. Anyway, the picture looks perfect on their main page, I might add. Congratulations to those who came up with this idea.

For my most recent long-haul travel, you can check out my Cebu Pacific Air and Turkish Airlines flight reports from Manila to Hong Kong to São Paulo via Istanbul and back. It's located in the "On the Spotlight" section.

You can also read my other trip reports and travel articles (some of which are yet to be written though, haha).

There's a new entry under the section "Planespotting" (http://thy15.blogspot.com/search/label/Planespotting), I went to MNL Airport Terminal 1. It's not the sweetest place to spot planes but it was OK. Highlight was the Embraer E-Jet 190 of Mandarin Airlines (my first to see one considering that this Brazilian-made E-Jets are some of my favourite aircraft types).

You may notice that my two blogs are infested with route maps. Obviously, I love route maps. Route maps are a representation of my three interests: geography, travel, and aviation. So lately I've got a new hobby: creating route maps!

Big thanks to these two sites:

www.GCMAP.com and its owner, Karl L. Swartz, for the map-generating tool which is...so cool!

www.FlightMemory.com for detailed personal flight stats and maps

The 1st of September is a good friend's birthday. He's afraid to fly so it's really funny to greet him in my aviation-infested blog...but well. And on the 25th is my sister's birthday (but she's not afraid to fly, hehe). Happy birthday!



3 comentários:

Anónimo disse...

I must digg your post therefore more people can see it, very helpful, I had a hard time finding the results searching on the web, thanks.

- Norman

MSVG disse...

Hi Norman!
Thanks for your comment! I appreciate it! :)

Anónimo disse...

I'm newbie, hi

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